
To submit artworks for valuation, please provide all relevant information available regarding the work, including artist name, title, date, dimensions, medium, exhibition history, provenance, certificate of authenticity, and condition. Please also provide clear photographs of the work including details such as artist signature or condition. A provisional estimate will be made based on the information provided. Please note that estimates are subject to revision once the work has been examined in person by our team. Request an auction estimate.

Delivery Arrangements

Once the provisional estimate has been agreed, we ask you to bring the works to our premises or make arrangements for delivery. Consignors will be responsible for all associated delivery charges. Please contact our staff for assistance if you need help with delivery arrangements.

Conditions of Sale

All costs and conditions will be decided in consultation with the consignor. These include Estimate, Reserve Price, Seller’s Commission Rate, and Special Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Seller’s Costs
All sales will be subject to a commission with a maximum fee of 15% of the hammer price (excluding tax).

Please note that additional expenses relating to the consignment of works may incur a separate fee. These include: Insurance, Storage, Loss/Damage Liability, Catalogue Photography, Copyright Usage, Catalogue Publication.

*Additional costs including authentication fees and framing fees, may also be incurred as deemed necessary. In the event of registration or authentication, New Auction will act on your behalf to conduct the necessary arrangements at your expense.

Consignment Agreement

A ‘Consignment Agreement’ detailing the final agreed terms will be sent to your registered address. We ask you to confirm the contract contents by providing a signature and seal and returning it to us.


A ‘Payment Statement’ will be issued within two weeks of the auction date. A transfer of the total hammer price with deducted fees and expenses will be made to the designated bank account within 35 days of the auction (exceptions may occur in the case of a delay in payment from the successful bidder).

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us directly by phone or email.